Wednesday 28 December 2016

Update December 21-28

Morgan has been feeling great this past week. She tires quickly and needs to rest often, but we will take it. Life has gotten back to somewhat normal. It has been such a blessing to have Morgan home for Christmas as this was an unknown if it would even be possible a month or two ago.

We have enjoyed time with friends and family over the past week. We have gone out on little adventures and gotten back into a normal family routine.

Christmas Eve and Christmas day were wonderful. We spent time with family, spoiled the kids and gained a new appreciation for our quality time together. We feel so unbelievably blessed.

This next week will be more of the same. We will be soaking up the family time while we can. Going places and spending time with friends and family.

Morgan will be starting her grade 8 year officially full time at the highschool on January 3. This week, we plan on making a few trips over to the highschool to get her acquainted with where her classes are etc.

The first few weeks of January will be quite hectic as I mentioned, Morgan will be starting highschool full time. In addition to that,  she will be going for numerous tests which include CT scan, MRI, heart test and finally a PET scan. We will also be going to a follow up appointment with her plastic surgeon to see how her new shoulder muscles are doing. Then finally, an appointment with her oncologist where we will get the results of her scans and heart test.

If her scans are NED (no evidence of disease/ cancer free!), we will then discuss what Morgan's future will look like. We will discuss what precautions we will need to take moving forward. What to watch out for in terms of relapse of Ewing Sarcoma as well as any other cancers that could occur because of the chemotherapy treatment she received. We will also discuss if she has any remaining chance of fertility in the future. Lastly, we will be looking at booking her surgery to remove her port which will hopefully be in the spring.

Once again I would just like to thank you all emensly for all of your continued support over this past year. It has lifted all of our spirits and has helped us get through. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and were able to spend time with loved ones.

**Slide show update- Thank you all so much for the pictures you have contributed! It has been so moving to see the love and support from you all. We have over 100 pictures and counting. We will be putting together the slideshow in the next few weeks to give to Morgan. I know she is going to love it. We will be keeping the slideshow a private video for just Morgan. It will make it more personal for her and also out of respect for everyone's personal images not being made public. I will be sure to post a picture or two of her watching it and maybe even a video of when she first sees it. Thank you all again so much! ❤️

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Update December 12-20

Morgan is starting to feel normal again. She is still battling with this ever lasting cold but she has been a trooper.

A few notable moments over the last week have been as follows:

We mastered her long human hair wig and she has worn it a few times and loves it. It looks much more like her and suits her quite nicely!

We were lucky enough to attend the Christmas Toy drive put on at Children's Hospital by Wishes Without Borders. It was an amazing event. So heartwarming and overwhelming. Both Morgan and her little brother Max thoroughly enjoyed it. Morgan is hoping that she can help give back next year and be a part of the toy drive.

Morgan got to go on the Stanley Park Christmas Train just last night with a few of her friends. It was a great night out and really nice that she was able to reconnect with some of her close friends.

We are so thankful that Morgan is home and day by day she is starting feel feel more like herself. We couldn't ask for a better Christmas present. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas may you all enjoy the holidays and cherish time spent with loved ones.

Thank you again so much for your continued support for our sweet Morgan.

Sunday 11 December 2016

Update-December 5-11

Morgan spent her days recovering from chemo. She developed a cold and started to feel quite sick from it. By the morning of December 8th, she was feeling quite horrible and had developed a mild fever.

We were advised to bring her into the hospital to check her over. She was given a blood and platelet transfusion and some fluids. The doctor decided it would be best to admit her and keep her overnight for observation as she was feeling quite unwell and to monitor her temperature. The next morning, the fever had subsided so they sent her home.

Since she has been home, she has been battling this cold and has been feeling pretty run down. Her fever has not returned though, so we have remained at home. Hopefully over the next few days she will start to improve.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Saturday ( She is home!!)

Well, today Morgan came home from her final round of chemo. She feels weak, nauseous and utterly exhausted but so unbelievably happy to be finally home for good. No more hospital stays ( fingers crossed).

She arrived home at around noon today and has been resting all day. We will see how the next few days go as her last 5 day chemo, she was incredibly sick for quite some time afterwards.

So, we have completed our final round of chemo. Now what? Now she needs to recover and heal from all of the chemicals and toxins that have been pumped into her body for the last 8 or so months.

Now we go for blood work frequently, wait for our next doctor visit to discuss Morgan's current health and what to expect for the future. She will be going for CT and MRI scans every 2 to 3 months for a year and then we will go from there. The oncologist will closely monitor Morgan's health this next year in regards to any issues or setbacks that may occur because of the chemotherapy treatment.  We wait to do our post treatment PET ,CT and MRI scans. Hopefully all 3 will be completed by the end of January. Once those scans are complete, we pray that we will get word that she is NED (no evidence of disease). Then we will be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, in the spring, she will have her last surgery to remove the port that was placed in her chest to administer the chemo.

I just want to thank you all again so much for all of your love and support through this journey Morgan has been on. No words could express how much all of the love and support has meant to us. It has been truly incredible and overwhelming to say the least. We have realized we did not go through this alone and our hearts are so full.❤️  I will continue on with the blog, but I will now do a weekly update vs every day.

Thank you all again! Much love, from the Levin's family❤️

Saturday 3 December 2016

Day 5 ( Friday) final day of chemo!

Overnight Morgan was awoken with the most extreme leg pain she has ever felt. She was in agony and inconsolable. At about 3am they called in a doctor to take a look at Morgan's leg. The doctor checked her over and found that her leg function was okay. They then gave her some morphine and she eventually fell asleep. It was a very rough night for Morgan.
Today her leg pain has subsided and she was just dealing with the usual nausea and exhaustion.
Morgan was administered her final dose of chemo today which was cause for celebration and mandatory photo ops. Morgan is excited and looking forward to almost being done.

Thursday 1 December 2016

*Update-Picture due date* Sideshow for Morgan

I just wanted to thank everyone who has sent in pictures so far for Morgan's slideshow. They are amazing!  So many people and so much love! I am so excited to make this slide show for Morgan. She is going to love it so much! ❤️

For those of you who are still wanting to send in a picture and are wondering when we would like them by...we are hoping to gather all of the pictures by the end of this weekend (Wednesday will be the cut off so we can start making the slideshow). Please send them to:

Thank you all again so so much for all of your love and support. Our hearts are so full 💖

Day 4 ( Thursday)

More of the same today. Fighting off nausea and pure exhaustion. She slept a lot again today.
The BC Lions stopped by the oncology ward and payed Morgan a visit. They signed a little football for her and a baseball cap.

Day 3 ( Wednesday)

Morgan felt pretty horrible for most of the day. She slept a lot today and is counting down the days until she can go home.