Friday 30 September 2016

Day 4 (Thursday)

More of the same today. Morgan was fairly nauseous for most of the day. She did some drawing and watched tv and napped. She is looking forward to coming home on Saturday.

Thursday 29 September 2016

Day 3 (Wednesday)

Morgan felt sick for most of the day today. She managed to eat a bit and slept in and off throughout the day.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Day 2 (Tuesday)

Morgan is feeling pretty nauseous today. She has not eaten much and has slept a lot today. Hopefully she will feel a bit better tomorrow.

Day 1 (Monday)

Morgan went in to Children's this morning and had her blood drawn. We soon found out her counts were good and she has started chemo.

She is feeling quite nauseous and tired. She has rested for most of the day.

Monday 26 September 2016


Another quiet day. Morgan did some reading and drawing today. Then she caught up on some school work.

Tomorrow she will be going into Children's to get her bloodwork done in hopes of starting her 5 day chemo.

Sunday 25 September 2016


Morgan had yet another cold. She is feeling okay other than that. Quiet day today.

Saturday 24 September 2016


This morning Morgan went to Children's first thing. She had a test with physio to check her reflexes and to see how much change has occured since she started chemo.

She then went and got her blood drawn. When we got the results of the bloodwork, we found out her platelets were still too low to start chemo. Her hemoglobin was also very low. So she was given a blood transfusion and was back home early this evening. We will go back in to Children's on Monday morning in hopes that her platelets will then be high enough to start her chemo.

Friday 23 September 2016


Morgan met with the traveling teacher today. She brought Morgan some school work and will be back next week to bring her some more.

Morgan had a good day today and is feeling well. Tomorrow morning she will head in to Children's to get bloodwork done and if all goes well, she will be starting her 5 day chemo tomorrow.

Thursday 22 September 2016


Morgan had her bloodwork done this morning in Delta. We found out this afternoon that her platelets are too low to start chemo on Thursday.

So now she will go in to Children's on Friday morning and get her bloodwork done there. If her counts are high enough, she will start her 5 day chemo. If they are still too low, she will just come home and try again on Monday.

On a positive note, because we are not starting chemo Thursday, Morgan is able to meet with the South Delta roaming teacher for the first time. The roaming teacher will collect Morgan's schoolwork from her teachers at the high school and will meet with Morgan at our house on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We are looking forward to meeting with her and getting Morgan back on track with her schoolwork.

Wednesday 21 September 2016


Morgan had a good day today at home. She was feeling well. She watched tv, did some drawing and reading.

After careful consideration, we have decided to keep Morgan from attending school until her treatment is complete (hopefully January). There is just too much risk involved with contracting a cold or any bug for that matter which could potentially be life threatening and/or set back her treatment.

We heard from the roaming teacher ( She will be collecting Morgan's school work from the high school and bringing it to her once a week). We hope to meet with her either this week or next so that Morgan can get started.

Tomorrow Morgan will be going into Delta Hospital to get her bloodwork done. They will be looking to see if her platelets and white blood cells have come up enough to start her 5 day chemo on Thursday.

Tuesday 20 September 2016


Morgan got her bloodwork done this morning at Delta Hospital.

This afternoon Morgan went for another follow up appointment at the plastic surgeon. He informed us that everything looks great and is healing well. Her range of motion looks great and the scars on her shoulder and down her back are healing nicely.

We found out late this afternoon that Morgan's counts are still low. Most importantly, her platelets. We are hoping they will bounce back so she can start her next round of chemo that is scheduled for this Thursday. She will get bloodwork done on Wednesday to determine that.

Sunday 18 September 2016


Morgan spent the night at her grandparents last night and had a great time. She came home this morning and was still feeling good. Over the course of the day, her sore throat has gotten worse. It has been very painful for her. We called the oncologist on call and they gave us some helpful tips to soothe her throat. Hopefully it is nothing major and will eventually pass. We will continue to monitor her tempature to make sure she does not develop a fever.

I forgot to post this picture from the other day when we where at the hospital. Morgan drawing to pass the time ☺


Morgan had a quiet day. She is feeling okay for the most part but has been developing a sore throat. We will keep an eye on it and monitor her tempature but, so far so good.

Friday 16 September 2016


This morning Morgan went to Delta Hospital to get her blood drawn. This afternoon we recived the call that her counts are okay and no blood transfusion is needed. White blood cells are non existent right now, so as per usual we need to take extra precautions to avoid Morgan getting sick.


Quiet day for Morgan today. She is feeling better and only occasionally nauseous.

Thursday 15 September 2016


Morgan headed out to Children's first thing this morning. She spent the day being hydrated, tested and having her blood drawn. The testing was to reaveal how her liver and kidneys are functioning. 

All went well and she was on her way back home by about 3:30pm. She spent the rest of the day taking it easy. She was feeling quite tired but overall better today.

Wednesday 14 September 2016


Another quiet day today. Morgan is feeling much better and has minimal nausea.

Tomorrow we will be going in to Children's to get a liver and kidney test and to meet with her doctor.

Monday 12 September 2016


Another quiet day around here. Morgan spent the day watching tv and drawing. She is feeling a little better today.


Quiet day today. Morgan is still feeling nauseated and quite exhausted. She has just rested for most of the day today.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Saturday- She's home!

Morgan had another quiet day today. She battled nausea throughout the day.

She was discharged this evening and was back home tonight by about 5:30pm.

Saturday 10 September 2016

Day 2 (Friday)

Quiet day at the hospital today. Morgan was feeling nauseous all day but was in good spirits. She managed to read and draw for most of the day.

Friday 9 September 2016

Day 1 (Thursday)

Today Morgan went to Delta first thing and had her blood taken. She then headed off to school. Late morning we got the call from Children's that her platelet count from Delta hospital came back inconclusive. They decided that it would be best to have her come in to Children's and have her bloodwork redone as they would like to start her chemo as soon as possible.

At lunchtime, Morgan headed out to Childrens and had her bloodwork done there. We soon found out her platelets were up enough to begin chemo! Great news. So she was admitted and has begun her 2 day chemo. If all goes well, she will be back home to recover on Saturday.

She is in great spirits and so far has been handling the chemo well with minimal nausea. She is still fighting off a cold but is feeling generally okay.

Thursday 8 September 2016


Today Morgan went to school in the morning and got her locker for the year. Then she headed in to Children's in anticipation of starting chemo today. She got her bloodwork done when they arrived and got prepped. When the bloodwork results returned, we discovered that her platelet count ( that is the part of the blood that enables it to clot.) was still far to low to start her chemo today. So they came back home. Her white blood cell count is the one that allows her to fight off infection, is great.

On a positive note, Morgan's spirits are way up and she has really enjoyed going to the high school these past few days. I think the fear of the unknown is gone and she feels more positive about high school. The social aspect and feeling disconnected from friends is something we can continue to work at while she is on treatment and she will gradually be able to pick back up socially with friends and even make new friends once she returns in January.

Tomorrow morning she will go for bloodwork in Delta and then she will head off for a full day of school. We should get the results for her bloodwork late morning and if her counts are up, we will pull her out of school and take her in to start her chemo. 

Wednesday 7 September 2016


Morgan attended her first day of grade 8 today which consisted of 2 hours. She was nervous and excited but happy that she had the opportunity to attend.

The plan for the afternoon was supposed to be that we would go into Children's to be admitted and start her chemo. Unfortunately, do to her being sick over the past few days, her blood platelets have not recovered enough from the last round of chemo. So we could not start today. We are hoping by tomorrow she will be strong enough to start her chemo.

Tuesday 6 September 2016


Morgan was seen by the doctor this morning and was discharged just before lunchtime. She is feeling a bit better today. She still has a cold and is feeling quite tired, but her fever has not returned which is positive.

Sunday 4 September 2016


Today Morgan continued on the iv antibiotics and received a blood transfusion as her hemoglobin was low. She has not had a fever at all today which is great. She has really perked up and seems much better.

If all continues to go well, she should be coming home tomorrow.

Saturday 3 September 2016


Morgan had a horrible night's sleep last night.  She woke up every 40 minutes or so and was feeling nauseous, hot and dizzy all night.

This morning was more of the same. She was not herself and feeling very sick. Her tempature was slowly climbing. So we decided to call the oncologist on call. They told us to bring her into the hospital to have her looked at. After looking her over and watching her spike a fever while in emergency, they decided to admit her and put her on IV antibiotics and do some blood cultures to see if they could identify the infection.

The blood cultures will take 48 hours to complete, so she will be in the hospital for that length of time at least. Possibly longer depending on how she is feeling and what they find. Hopefully she will start to feel better once the antibiotics fully kick in.


Today Morgan went into Children's and had her blood drawn. She then met with our social worker and finally the oncologist. After meeting with them, she went for her heart test.

Our plan was to then go to the mall to do some back to school clothes shopping. Unfortunately Morgan's bloodwork showed her counts were still really low so we were unable to go shopping today.

This evening she is still fighting this cold and feels pretty horrible. Her tempature has slowly been rising but she has not developed a fever as of yet. We will keep a close eye on her.

Thursday 1 September 2016


Today Morgan went to visit her new high school. We met with her new counselor and she gave us a tour of the school and showed Morgan where her classes will be. On the tour, we were able to meet with some of her new teachers for grade 8.

She is still nervous and unsure how the first half of the year will play out for her. She is still worried about the work load and the social aspect. She will have a teacher who will work with her outside of the school and will bring her schoolwork and help her get through the next few months while she is absent from school.

Morgan will be able to physically attend school once or twice a month if she is healthy enough to do so. We hope that she will be back to school full time come January when, fingers crossed, her treament should be complete.

Tomorrow we will be going in to Children's to get blood drawn, meet with the oncologist and have a couple of heart tests done in preparation for her 2 day chemo that will be starting on Tuesday.


Morgan's spirits were low today. She has developed a cold, so we are keeping an eye on her tempature to make sure she does not develop a fever.

She is feeling overwhelmed with back to school and is having concerns starting high school and maintaining a social life while she is having to go through the rest of her treatments.

We will be meeting with her guidance counselor tomorrow to get her schedule and to find out more info on how the year will play out for her.