Monday 30 May 2016


Good day today. Morgan seems to be getting her appetite back. She ate quite a bit today between bouts of nausea. She had a relaxing day watching tv and reading for most of the day. Her mood seems to be improving which is really great.

Sunday 29 May 2016


Morgan had an okay day at home today. Spirits were low and she was feeling nauseous most of the day.

She managed to sneak out and go to the Ladner May Days festivities. She avoided the crowd and had a treat of mini doughnuts. It was all too much for her though, and she only lasted a short while. She was feeling quite weak and nauseous, so we headed back home.

She did eat a bit today, which was great. Hopefully she will be feeling a bit better tomorrow.

She is back home! (Saturday)

Morgan did so great with this round of chemotherapy. She took it like a champ.

She has felt nauseous throughout this round but still managed to eat. They decided she could go home today because she was doing so well. She ended up leaving the hospital at about 4:30 pm. The evening went well and she is feeling okay. Her mood is a little down, but she did great over these past few days of chemo.

Saturday 28 May 2016


I just wanted to again thank you all for your continued love, support and generosity through all of this. We are overwhelmed with the support we have received from friends, family, the community, and even complete strangers. It warms our hearts to know that we are not going through this alone.

Thank you to all of you.


Morgan had a fairly good day. Her mood was a little down and she was nauseous most of the day. She still managed to eat today, which is really great. She is handling this round of chemo really well.

We are hoping to come home Saturday afternoon if she continues to do well.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Started Chemo- Day 1 in the hospital (Thursday)

Morgan had a good day today. She had her blood drawn this morning and her counts were good. She started her chemo this afternoon and is feeling great so far. She ate well all day. Hopefully tomorrow will be another good day.

Wednesday 25 May 2016


Morgan had a nice relaxing day at home today. She ate well and was feeling great all day.

Tomorrow morning we are off to the hospital. She will go for a blood test first, and if everything looks good, we will start her next round of chemotherapy.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Tuesday- Morgan is home!!

Morgan had a great day today. She had a dose of antibiotics this morning and we were told she would be in the hospital for at least one more night.

Then this afternoon we got the good word that the doctors had talked it over and decided to send her home! We were discharged late this afternoon and she was able to go out tonight with a few friends. It makes us so happy to see that in between all of the madness, she still gets to be a normal kid every so often.

She had a great night and we are looking forward to a relaxing day at home tomorrow before we head back into the hospital for the next round of chemo on Thursday morning.

Monday 23 May 2016


Morgan had a mild fever this morning, so it was decided that she should stay in the antibiotics for one more day. They will reevaluate tomorrow morning.

She had a good day. She was happy today. She ate well and watched movies for most of the day.

She did get out of the hospital for a little bit. Morgan went with her father next door to the blood bank so that he could donate blood. Morgan got to go with him and watch it all go down. It was great for her to get out as she has been so cooped up recently.

Sunday 22 May 2016


Morgan had a good day today. The nurses have been monitoring her all day and her vitals have been good and her tempature has remained normal.

She managed to eat a bit today but ended up being sick to her stomach. That didn't slow her down though, she still managed to have a little more food at dinner time.

Her white blood cell count is slowly starting to go up very very gradually. Her hemoglobin has gone down since yesterday, so she did receive another blood transfusion today.

All of Morgan's blood cultures have come back negative and her antibiotics will be stopped tomorrow morning. They will then need to keep her for another 24 hours to monitor to ensure that her fever does not return once she's off of the antibiotics.

We are hoping she will be able to come home from the hospital on Tuesday.

Saturday 21 May 2016


Morgan had quite the run with this fever over night at its highest it was 103.1 Fahrenheit. They managed to get it under control and we think the antibiotic has kicked in. She has maintained a normal tempature throughout the day.

She has been in good spirits and is even eating a bit. It was a good day today. What a relief. We will take them when we can.

We now have to wait for the results of the blood culture late Sunday evening or early Monday. They will then determine where to go from there. We are hoping she will come back home on Monday, but we will just have to wait and see.

If all goes well, she will be starting her next round of chemotherapy on Thursday. We are hoping she will get to come home for a few days before the next round. Fingers crossed!

Friday 20 May 2016

Admitted back into the hospital ( Friday)

Morgan woke up feeling pretty weak and nauseous today. We headed into Children's for our appointment. When we arrived, she got her blood drawn and then we met with the doctor.

Upon checking her over, it was discovered that she had spiked a fever and her blood counts were severly low. When a cancer patient has a fever, it most likely means they have an infection or virus of some sort. So they immediately put her on some IV antibiotics. In addition, because her blood counts were so severely low, they started a blood transfusion. She was also very dehydrated because she had not eaten or drank very much in the past few days and then thrown up quite a bit last night. So she was also put on IV fluids to rehydrate.

She seemed to have bounced back this afternoon. Her color returned and she was generally feeling better.

She was admitted and will need to remain in hospital until they get the results of the blood culture to determine what and where the infection is coming from. The blood culture will take aproximatley 48 hours to grow. Therefore, she will remain in the hospital until at least Sunday, but it is sounding more likely than not, it will be Monday or Tuesday.

Day 3 at home ( Thursday )

Morgan had another quiet day at home today. She was nauseous all day and didn't manage to eat much of anything. She was feeling pretty weak all day.

Spirits are still pretty low. She ended up being sick to her stomach tonight but is feeling a bit better and is finally off to sleep now.

We are back at Children's tomorrow morning to do blood work and to meet with her doctor.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Day 2 at home (Wednesday)

Morgan had a relatively good day today. She was quite nauseous throughout the day but managed to snack here and there and had a half decent dinner.

She is still quite quiet and spirits are a little low. Hopefully she will bounce back in the next few days both physically and emotionally.

She's Home! ( Tuesday)

Morgan was able to come home today. She got home at around 12:30 this afternoon. She was feeling quite weak and exhausted. Also, she was quite nauseous and didn't end up eating much of anything all day.

Her spirits are still a little low, but hopefully being home now will help to boost them over the next few days.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Day 5 of chemotherapy ( Monday)

Morgan had another quiet day today. She was feeling a little down and quite nauseous throughout the day. She is looking forward to hopefully coming home Tuesday.

Sunday 15 May 2016

Day 4 of chemotherapy (Sunday)

Morgan had a quiet day today. She was pretty tired and had nausea throughout the day. She did manage to eat today off and on which was great. Spirits were a little low today. Tomorrow will be her last full day of chemo. We are looking forward to hopefully coming home Tuesday morning if all goes well.

Saturday 14 May 2016

Day 3 of chemotherapy (Saturday)

The day was off to a great start for Morgan. She was feeling good and managed to eat breakfast.

Early this afternoon she was visited by some Disney princesses who brought her as well as all of the other patients in the oncology ward a gift. They came by to remind all of the patients about the big fundraising event at Children's Hospital, Balding For Dollars today. It is a fundraiser that Children's Hospital puts on annually to raise funds for cancer research.

Morgan was given the okay from her doctors to be taken off of her IV so that she could go and take part in all of the festivities. She had a great time there today with her dad and said that she felt almost normal while she was there. She was happy and enjoying every little bit of it.

This evening her hair was falling out at an accelerated rate, so she finally made the decision to shave it all off. Carsen managed to get some clippers from the nurses and did the honors this evening. She is content with her decision to finally shave it.

It was actually quite fitting as today was the fundraiser where numerous people shaved their heads in support of cancer patients just like Morgan herself.

Friday 13 May 2016

Day 2 of chemotherapy (Friday)

Morgan has struggled with her hair loss today as it is falling out fairly quickly now.

The chemotherapy went well and she even managed to eat a fair bit today.

When we were admitted yesterday, we where put into a room that had no natural light or windows. Today, the nurses managed to have Morgan moved to a fabulous room with loads of natural light and sun shining in the windows. It really brightened her mood and made her quite happy to be able to look out the window at the beautiful weather from her bed.

Day 1 of second round of chemo ( Thursday)

Day one went well. Morgan handled the chemo well and was in good spirits. She had a little bit of nausea, but the nurses stayed on top of her anti nausea meds.

Wednesday 11 May 2016


Morgan had a relaxing day. She ate well, watched tv, did some drawing and packed for the hospital stay tomorrow.

Tonight she was very excited to hear she was able to go out again for one last outing. She ended up going to watch a movie with her dad and some close family friends.

We are so happy to see that Morgan has had so many good days in between her rounds of chemotherapy. Hopefully this will be a regular occurrence in the year to come.

Tomorrow morning we head to the hospital to start her second round of chemotherapy.

Tuesday 10 May 2016


This morning Morgan had her blood drawn. It was a quiet day around here for Morgan again, as Max was home today as well. We did manage to get out for a walk and enjoy the warm weather though.

Early this afternoon we received the news that Morgan's counts have come way up. She is officially healthy again and ready for the next round of chemotherapy on Thursday morning.

Since her counts were so high, and with the approval of her oncology nurse, she was able to go out this evening and spend time with some of her friends. She had a really fun night with some good friends, and it was really great to see her come home so happy tonight.

Monday 9 May 2016


Morgan had another quiet day today. She was feeling good and in good spirits. Max stayed home today as he is still getting over his bug. Morgan did some more sketching and watching tv. She ate well again today. I have attached one of the sketches she drew.

Sunday 8 May 2016


Good day today. Poor Morgan has been stuck in her bedroom all day today as her brother is still pretty sick and contagious.

She made the most of it by sketching, reading and watching tv. We played some cards tonight together and watched a bit of tv at dinner time so we could spend some time together for Mother's Day.

All and all it was a good day for her. She was feeling healthy and ate well all day.

Saturday 7 May 2016


Morgan had a good day today. She went with her dad into Vancouver to pick out a synthetic wig. The one we ordered previously is a real hair wig, but we will not receive it for another 2 to 3 weeks. We decided to get her an additional synthetic wig so that she will have one immediately as her hair will start falling out soon.

She was very happy with the one she picked out. It is a really cute shorter bob style, and the real hair one we are getting is a long hair wig . It will be a bit of a variety for her and make it fun to choose between the two for different styles as she sees fit. The wig is a pretty good match to her hair color and we are quite happy with her pick.

Her brother Max, has come down with a double eye infection today, and is feeling quite under the weather. We got him some antibiotics, and hopefully he will no longer be contagious in about 24 hours or so.

Needless to say, it is a little scary to have him being so highly contagious and Morgan not being able to fight off any infections with her blood count being so low. We have been keeping them separate and disinfecting everything as best we can. Fingers crossed, this will bypass Morgan completely.

Friday 6 May 2016


Morgan had a good day again today. We went to the hospital and had her blood drawn and also met with her doctor. Her white blood cell count is severely low (which is to be expected), so we need to be vigilant about sanitizing and keeping her out of public places for the next little while.

The doctor's visit went well. We will be getting her blood drawn again on Tuesday morning in preparation for the next round of chemotherapy which is to begin on Thursday morning.

This will be a five day treatment and she will be in the hospital for 6 to 7 days for this round. She is still eating well and feeling good for the most part.

Thursday 5 May 2016


Another good day today. Morgan is back to her old self and was very hungry today. She ate breakfast, lunch and dinner. She also snacked all day. So nice to she her happy and hungry again.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Good day today!

Morgan had a great day today. She was a little nauseous but was able to down 3 meals of Ensure meal replacement drinks and some Gatorade! She had her blood drawn this morning and we were informed this afternoon that her counts were looking good. She was in great spirits today. We even got in a haircut at home. She will be loosing her hair within the next 2 weeks or so, so we decided to cut it short for fun!

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Day 1 at home.

Morgan had a rough day today. She was pretty sick. She is in better spirits though and tomorrow is a new day. I just wanted to again send out a heartfelt thank you for all of the support and unbelievable generosity we have received. It has definitely been a blessing. Thank you all💕

Monday 2 May 2016

We are home!

Morgan had a rough emotional day. It is all starting to hit her hard. We will work on keeping her positive and endure this next year to the best of our abilities.

We were discharged today at around 4:30pm after being bombarded with information and piles of medication.

We will need to get her blood work done on Wednesday and then we are back at the hospital for more blood work and to meet with our doctor on Friday. Morgan is also going to be meeting with our social worker at the hospital on Friday to hopefully work through some of her emotions and give her a brighter outlook.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Home tomorrow?

Today was another difficult day. Morgan was struggling to stay positive and was feeling pretty miserable for most of the day. We did manage to do quite a few walking laps of the oncology ward as well as go to the play room to do some arts and crafts.

She had a stent tube placed in her thigh today so that we may administer a shot daily into the stent at home. Having the tube in her thigh will eliminate the need to give her the shot directly into her leg.

She is supposed to be released tomorrow after we meet with the nurses to go over her home care as well as all of the medications we will be required to give her at home.

Second day of chemo (Saturday)

Morgan did okay Today. She battled with nausea and stomach pain for most of the day. She is handling the chemo fairly well and we are hoping she will go home Sunday or Monday at the latest.