Monday 31 October 2016

Day 5 ( Monday ) Happy Halloween! 🎃

Morgan had a good day today overall. This afternoon all of the patients at Children's got to participate in a trick or treat scavenger hunt throughout the hospital. It was lots of fun.  The BC Lions, the Vancouver Whitecaps and Finn from the Vancouver Canucks were all there to visit. The news and radio stations where there as well. Morgan ended up being interviewed by News 1130. It was all quite fun.

Then as we were about half way through, Morgan said she was feeling a little off and wanted to go back to her room. So we got in the elevator to head back to her room. Once in the elevator she told me she felt like she was going to pass out. Thank the lord there was a nurse that just so happened to be in the elevator with us. She grabbed Morgan as she started to collapse and we escorted her off the elevator. There were people all around and it was very busy. One of the child life specialists, who knew Morgan noticed something was wrong with her and jumped in to help as well. The nurse, the child life specialist and I made it down the hall with her where we saw a. random chair and got her to sit down. She then began to violently throw up. We eventually made it back to her hospital room. She felt much better after being sick and rested for the remainder of the afternoon.

I just wanted to throw out a humungous thank you to the nurse and child life specialist who jumped in to help with Morgan today. I was so shaken and overwhemed and they just whisked in and took over. We are so blessed to be under the care of such an amazing group of people at Children's. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Morgan was feeling much better this evening and had a good night hanging out with her Aunt tonight while her father and I took our son out trick or treating.

Hope everyone had a great night! Happy Halloween 🎃❤

Day 4 ( Sunday )

Morgan was feeling unwell for most of the day. She ended up needing a blood transfusion which is fairly normal for this round of chemo. She rested for most of the day.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Day 3 ( Saturday )

Morgan was feeling a bit better today. She watched some shows and napped throughout the day.

Saturday 29 October 2016

Day 2 ( Friday )

Morgan felt nauseous for most of the day. She spent a lot of the day sleeping and resting. Her spirits are low right now.

Friday 28 October 2016

Day 1 ( Thursday )

Morgan went in to Childrens Hospital this morning and was able to start her 5 day chemo. She battled on and off all day with nausea.

There are two oncology wards at Children's. One is in the second floor and one on the third.  Both are completely full with the overflow of about 5 children being admitted and put into the regular surgical ward. We were fortunate enough to get one of  the last rooms in one of the oncology wards. It is upsetting to think of how many children are here right now batteling cancer. The wards are overflowing. Thinking good thoughts for them all . 💗

Thursday 27 October 2016


Morgan went in and had her bloodwork done first thing this morning. We got word in the afternoon that her counts are good and we will be starting her 5 day chemo tomorrow.

Morgan had a good day today. We carved some pumpkins together as today is the last day she will be home before Halloween. Sadly she will be in the hospital for Halloween but, she has come to terms with it and said that is would be okay as long as she still was able to have candy ☺

Tuesday 25 October 2016


It was a quiet day around here today. Morgan had her visiting teacher over this afternoon and got caught up in her schoolwork.

Tomorrow morning she will be going into  Delta Hospital to get her bloodwork done. Her counts should still be good and hopefully she will be starting her 5 day chemo on Thursday.


Today we went into Children's and dropped off all of the items we had purchased. We also dropped off some Halloween treats for the kids and parents. We still have quite a few treats left over that we will take in on Thursday when Morgan starts her next round of chemo.

Sunday 23 October 2016


For Morgan's birthday, she had asked family and friends to donate to BC Children's Hospital. She was given some cash as well. Morgan woke up feeling great again today, so we went shopping and bought quite a few much needed items for the parent kitchen in the oncology ward. We also bought coffee kcups for the parents and Halloween candy. Morgan was pleased with all of the items that she was able to buy with her birthday money for the hospital.

Tomorrow we will be going in to drop it all off.


Morgan was feeling good today. Since her counts were good and one of her classes just so happened to be going in a field trip, she was able to attend as well.

Morgan was quite excited to do so and it gave her the rare opportunity to socialize and meet some of her new classmates. She had a blast. Morgan then had one of her friends over for a bit last night.

All in all she had a fantastic day. 

Saturday 22 October 2016


Morgan went in to Children's this morning for her bloodwork and to meet with her doctor.  There was quite a wait today as the clinic was quite busy.

Once she met with the doctor, we discovered her blood counts had already seemingly bounced back from chemo. It is great news as usually it takes a lot longer for her to recover. Switching to the 1 day chemo and loosing the additional chemo drug really made a difference for her recovery for this round. She is feeling well today and the doctor was pleased to see that.

Friday 21 October 2016


Morgan had a good day today. We went to the local pumpkin patch this afternoon ( an annual tradition)  and it was really nice to spend some somewhat normal time as a family all together.

Wednesday 19 October 2016


Another quiet day at home today. Morgan had a good day, was feeling well and was in good spirits.

Tuesday 18 October 2016


Morgan was up bright and early this morning to get her bloodwork done at Delta hospital. We got the results back this afternoon and her counts are still looking okay. She has yet to bottom out.

She is feeling a little tired and slightly nauseous today but overall, pretty good.

We were able to take a look at Morgan's grade 8 photo online today and placed our order. We were quite pleased with how well it turned out!

Monday 17 October 2016


Morgan had a good day today. This morning she went into the high school before it opened and got her school picture taken.

Then Morgan and I went to the new mall in Tsawwassen. We rented a wheelchair as she did not have the energy to walk for very long. We toured the mall and finished it off with lunch. She really enjoyed being able to get out today.

She spent the rest of the day resting. She was feeling a little nauseous for most of the day but was well other than that.

Sunday 16 October 2016


Another quiet day around these parts. Morgan is feeling pretty good. She is feeling a little tired and dizzy but overall another good day.


Morgan had a quiet day at home. She had minimal nausea and was feeling generally okay. It was a good day for her.

Friday 14 October 2016

Friday- She's home!

Morgan finished up and was able to come home early this afternoon from the hispital. She is actually feeling pretty good today which is a big change as usually when she comes home from her 2 day chemo, she feels pretty horrible.

She rested for the remainder of the day as she was feeling quite exhausted and was off to bed fairly early tonight.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Day 1 (Thursday)

Morgan went in to Children's this morning. She had her blood drawn and as we were hoping, she was able to start her chemo today.

She had a good day today. She is in good spirits and hasn't been feeling nauseous at all this round so far.  Hopefully it will be more of the same tomorrow.


Another quiet day today. We are hoping Morgan will be ready to start chemo tomorrow. She will be going into Children's tomorrow morning and they will check her bloodwork to see if her platlet count is high enough to start.

We were happy to hear last week from Morgan's doctor, that Morgan's 2 day chemo rounds are now only going to be one day. One of the chemo drugs that  she was taking is now complete. This is great news as it will mean only one day in the hospital for this round of chemo.

Wednesday 12 October 2016


Morgan went first thing to Delta Hospital and had her blood drawn. Later this morning we got word that her platelets are far too low to start chemo. We have rescheduled her to now go in to Children's on Thursday morning in hopes she will be ready to start.

Monday 10 October 2016


Morgan felt good today. She had a nice relaxing day and we topped it off with a nice family dinner at home. It was really great to have a nice home cooked meal with all four members around the dinner table tonight as they are few and far between lately. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday 9 October 2016

Sunday- She's back home!

Morgan woke up feeling much better this morning. After meeting with the Dr this afternoon, it was decided that she could indeed go home. She was happily back home late this afternoon.

Her platelets are still fairly low and we are doubtful that she will be starting chemo on Tuesday as scheduled. She will rest for the remainder of the weekend and then go in to Delta Hospital first thing Tuesday morning to get her blood drawn and we will see if she is ready to start chemo. If not, we will try again Wednesday morning.

Sadly we are having to miss out on both sides of the family's Thanksgiving gatherings because of the unexpected hospital stay and recovery. We managed to pick up a nice little turkey breast roast and I will be cooking a little feast for the four of us to enjoy tomorrow evening.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Hope everyone is having a great weekend surrounded by their loved ones! ❤

Saturday 8 October 2016


Morgan woke up still in pain this morning and not feeling well. Over the course of the day, she started feeling much better. This evening she is feeling great and in good spirits. We are hopeful that she will get to come home tomorrow.

Friday 7 October 2016


Morgan woke up feeling really horrible this morning. She was feeling nauseous and was having incredibly bad jaw pain. She headed in to Children's Hospital for her appointment and to have her blood drawn. Once the results became back from her bloodwork, they confirmed that  she needed a blood transfusion. The doctor also gave her some morphine for the pain in her jaw.

A little while later we where told that she had spiked a fever while at the hospital. Therefore she needed to be admitted and put on an IV antibiotic. She will be staying at the hospital for a minimum of two days. She has been feeling nauseous and has been experiencing quite a bit of pain all day long. They have been trying to manage her pain with morphine but it doesn't seem to be helping as much as it should. She is unable to eat anything at this point because her mouth is too sore.

Carsen and I think she may have some sort of infection in her mouth which caused her to spike a fever and causing the pain. The doctors have not expressed their thoughts on what it could be as of yet. I think they are just waiting to see if the antibiotics help with reducing the pain in her mouth over the next two days. 

Hopefully she will wake up feeling a bit better tomorrow morning. 


Morgan bas been feeling pretty off for most of the day. She has been feeling nauseous, exhausted, and hasn't eaten much of anything. This evening she also had a headache. Her tempature is still normal though, which is good. We are pretty sure it is low hemoglobin and that a blood transfusion is what is needed to make her feel a bit better.

Tomorrow she will be going in to Children's Hospital first thing to get bloodwork done and meet with the oncologist for her regular appointment. So we will see what they have to say and we will go from there.

Wednesday 5 October 2016


Morgan's stomach is feeling much better today. She has been feeling nauseous on and off for most of the day. Other than that, she feels well.

Both her little brother Maxwell and I have come down with yet another cold. So we are trying to keep things as sterile as possible. Morgan has no immunity right now as her counts are at their lowest point. Hopefully she can avoid this round of colds.

Tuesday 4 October 2016


Morgan had a tough day today. She was batteling with stomach pains all day long.

Finally tonight we gave the oncologist on call a phonecall. There is no immediate concern but we are to keep an eye on her overnight and we will see how she feels in the morning.


Morgan had a quiet day today. She is feeling less nauseous and was able to eat fairly well today. She spent most of the day watching tv and reading.

Monday 3 October 2016

Sunday- Morgan's 13th Birthday!

Morgan woke up to us bringing on two large helium balloons into her bedroom. A silver 1 and 3 ballon. She was feeling okay so I made her pancakes and bacon for breakfast.

She had a low key day and as per her birthday dinner request she had chicken breast, broccoli and mashed potatoes for dinner. Followed up by a superb cake for dessert. All in all she had a great day.

Sunday 2 October 2016

Saturday- She's home!

Morgan was able to leave the hospital at around 11am and she was so happy to go home. She spent the rest of the day relaxing and reading. She is looking forward to her birthday tomorrow. It will be a quiet day at home.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Day 5 (Friday)

Much of the same today. Morgan felt nauseous and unwell for most of the day. She is counting down the hours until she gets to go home tomorrow.