Friday 29 April 2016

First full day of chemo

Morgan had her first full day of chemotherapy today. She handled it like a champ. She had nausea throughout the day but the nurses stayed on top of her nausea medications and she did okay. She slept quite a bit but was in good spirits when awake.  She did not manage to eat much of anything today though because of the nausea.

She was visited by a nice lady who brought her some paints and canvases to paint on (hers to keep!) as well as some board and card games for us to play.

Then, later in the day we were visited by some hospital volunteers that showed her a selection of quilts that were hand made and donated by people all over B.C. She got to choose a quilt that she liked and she will get to keep that as well. She picked out a vintage Mickey Mouse patterned quilt that she absolutely loves.

Those two visits brightened her mood and it made for a good day overall. We have 24hrs of chemo left of this first round, and hope to be going home on Monday if all goes well.

Thursday 28 April 2016

Second Port Surgery

We had the second port surgery this afternoon. They ended up having to put in a new port and it was a success. Morgan has been in a lot of pain since the surgery and really struggled to stay positive today. Chemotherapy is beginning tonight.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Surgery Postponed

Morgan has been in great spirits for most of the day today. We had a kidney and liver test earlier today that went well.

It turns out she will need another surgery to repair the port if they are able to. If they can not repair it, they will have to remove it and put in a new port altogether. We were waiting all day for the surgery and just tonight found out it has to be postponed until tomorrow.

Poor Morgan had been fasting all day for the surgery. She will finally get to eat tonight now that we know the surgery will not be until tomorrow.

This will most likely mean that the start of her chemo will be pushed back by one day.

Tuesday 26 April 2016


Today was a hard day for us all. Morgan had her surgery this morning for her port that will be used to administer the chemotherapy and she had her bone marrow biopsy.

The bone marrow biopsy went well. The port was a little more complicated. It is a line that runs from an artery in her neck internally down her chest and I believe turns into two catheters below her chest. There ended up being a kink in one of the catheters and it seems the other one isn't quite working properly either. We will now have to wait until tomorrow morning to find out more. Tomorrow she will get an x-ray of her chest to see what they can do to fix the port.

Morgan was in a fair amount of pain today and nauseous for most of the day as well. She finally felt some relief this evening and was able to fall asleep.

Sunday 24 April 2016


Morgan was born with a mop of hair. She has always had a thick gorgeous head of hair. When she was born, the nurses joked about how she looked like she was fresh out of the salon as she had a full head of auburn hair with highlights in it. Over her 12 years, we have always gotten comments and complements on how much hair she has and how beautiful and thick it is.

We went to get fitted for a wig on Saturday. The lady was so kind to Morgan. She too had been through cancer. It ended up being a really great experience.

Watching her loose her hair, although it is just hair and pails in comparison to all that she will be going though, is going to be difficult as her parents. We will get through though. We are tough and it will grow back. As the woman helping her get fitted for the wig said: " It will grow back, Morgan. Thicker and healthier than the hair you have now!" ❤

Saturday 23 April 2016

Thank you ❤❤❤❤

I don't know how it is possible for your heart to be both broken yet so full of love at the same time. That is how we feel right now.

On behalf of my family and myself I would just like to thank you all. This support is overwhelming and warms our hearts. I don't know what to really say. We are speechless. Thank you one and all. We will be forever grateful for your generosity and kindness❤❤❤❤

Friday 22 April 2016

The beginning

Welcome to all,

We have decided to start this blog to keep you all up to date with all that Morgan will be going through.

As you all know, Morgan has been diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma. She developed a tumor about 2 months ago on her clavicle that has increasingly grown in size. In the last 3 weeks we have undergone numerous tests and we were officially given the diagnosis Wednesday.

The treatment will take 9 months to a year. We start on Tuesday. She will be getting a bone marrow biopsy on both sides of her hips and will have what they call a 'port' placed under the skin of her chest. It will be connected to an artery to administer the chemotherapy. As long as all goes well with those two procedures, we will be starting chemo on Thursday. All of her chemo will be in hospital. She will start a regimen of chemotherapy every 2 weeks. Every two weeks it will switch between two separate concoctions of drugs. One of which will be 2 days of chemo and the other will be 5.

Morgan is coping with this extremely well. The family is taking it one day at a time and we all have a positive outlook and we will beat this! We appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers. We would like to extend our gratitude for all of your overwhelming support and love.